Samsung Galaxy S III Review

When a new product is scheduled for release, there are always continuous rumors about price, features or even specifications. Samsung Galaxy S III will soon be putting a smile on everyone’s face due to the quad-core processor and better voice control feature. When a new product debuts in the market, it is purposely meant to outbid the performance of its predecessor by having added features that rhyme with technology. Even before its official debut, web masters and bloggers have already started coming up with possible specifications on their product reviews.

The current Samsung Galaxy S III reviews after its debut indicates that the device runs on 1.4GHZ quad core processor. How does it feel to have a mobile phone that senses your every move? It would be marvelous; this is the case with Samsung Galaxy S III. If you were texting someone for instance, and think it wise to ring him or her instead, just bring the device to your ear and magic happens. It will ring that person on that instance. The current Smartphone devices are coming with all sorts of high-tech tricks, the Galaxy S3 isn’t left out on this, and you can unlock the phone by saying out the magic word, request about weather among other voice activated procedures. Although Samsung Galaxy S III is still the leader on Android Smartphone devices with the best features, people are still placing their complaints the plastic build. The body and the bluish color make it feel cheap, but its nice curvy shape makes people appreciate it even more. It is light, not very large, but still with sizable screen.

samsung-galaxy-s-iii-300512If you take pictures or videos or even download movies online, you can watch them on your plasma HD screen from home. This is because the phone has built in features that support this. After several tests in different light variations, the Galaxy’s S3 8 megapixel camera proved powerful. Even in the poorly lit areas, you could still get less blurry or pixilated pictures. This Smartphone is already available on pre-order and has been noted to have the cheapest monthly contract among different providers. At £499, you can get Galaxy S3 for cash; however, if you feel a contract would be better for you, Samsung Galaxy S III goes for about £36 each month. Although the price matter could differ from one provider to another, there is a chance that you could access this 16GB and 32 GB at slightly hiked or reduced costs.

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