Monthly Archives: June 2012

Online Shopping VS Offline Shopping

How much has technology changed shopping habits? With the advent of the internet and the tough time High Street retailers are having at the moment, Grazia looked deeper into the issue and conducted a survey. Are more consumers turning to … Continue reading

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How to Protect Yourself From Becoming a Victim of Product Liability

We invest in products and services almost every day, but do we purchase them wisely and safely? Through the years, there have been numerous reported product liability cases involving children’s products and poisoning, Carbon Monoxide poisonings, fires, electrocutions, hazard screening, … Continue reading

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Tips for a Weary-Free Shopping Online

We are now at the age of modernization and high technologies emerged one after another. Cellular phones, computers, laptops and iPads are just a few to mention. These brilliant gadgets made our life easier, convenient and are essential in our … Continue reading

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Mattress Shoppers’ Buying Tips

After a long stressful day, we all want to have a relaxing night which would re-energize us for tomorrow’s battle. The studies that have been conducted about sleep show that having a good night sleep will help boost our immune … Continue reading

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Shopping for the Finest Pearls for a Fraction of the Price!

When shopping it can be hard to find the perfect freshwater pearl jewelry, especially since these gems are becoming so popular and are on all the latest trends; however, at they will make shopping much easier. Pearls are so … Continue reading

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Online Shopping Tips and Guides

The more convenient and easiest way to complete your purchase by sitting in your desk is online shopping. It is even more secure and safer than convenience. But the question rises only about the online predators that are waiting to … Continue reading

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We Get What We Want Online

We can’t deny that people like shopping. People go to work to earn money they could spend to buy the things they need.  Sometimes, aside as being a necessity, shopping becomes a hobby. Shopping gives us satisfaction since we could … Continue reading

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Two Words to Consider before Buying Something

Alright, you had your money and you want to spend it luxuriously. Either for a vacation or gadgets we need to ask ourselves first before purchasing and spend the money that we earn from salary, service or savings. But before … Continue reading

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Things to Consider when Buying Laptops Online

In the current times, you can buy anything online, from cars, their insurances, to laptops, and their accessories. Online shopping on laptop computers is growing popular than purchasing the same items at walk in stores. Although there are certain things … Continue reading

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Samsung Galaxy S III Review

When a new product is scheduled for release, there are always continuous rumors about price, features or even specifications. Samsung Galaxy S III will soon be putting a smile on everyone’s face due to the quad-core processor and better voice … Continue reading

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