Golden Tips You Should Keep In Mind While Buying Jewelry Online

Women’s eternal yearning to get themselves adorned with finest and glamorous jewelries of exquisite design and craftsmanship have now-a-days fostered the cult of online jewelry buying. In this age of internet you don’t need to go to a conventional jewelry shop to buy such product. You can now have access to all the latest designs and their prices at the tip of your fingers. Though buying jewelry can be fun and exciting and also expensive a word of caution should always be remembered. With all the advantages of buying products online there is no denying the fact that the feel of buying jewelries directly from a shop cannot be achieved from online purchase of such products.

For one thing, choosing the product by touching it with your hands, by seeing the product with your own eyes, by feeling the texture and brilliance of the design with your fingers add a thrill to the prospective buyer. Secondly, all queries one may have as to the quality of the product and other related information can be easily satisfied. Thirdly, prices may be compared in different shops for the same type of product to help you to reach a definite conclusion regarding the actual price of the product.

Jewelry Online

Certain facts regarding the metals are to be keep in mind always.

Gold : Whenever “gold” is mentioned one has to understand that it is 24 karats which is supposed to the purest form of gold. Since it is soft it is usually mixed with other metals to make it more hard and workable. The karat denotes the quality of the gold. The higher the karats the higher is the percentage of gold and accordingly the price of the product will also vary.

Platinum : Platinum is normally mixed with similar metals. Like gold, no platinum jewelry is 100% platinum. It can be mixed with other metals. It is better to consult with the jeweler regarding the quality of the product. Also whether the particular item is hypoallergenic, durable, lustrous, dense, scratch and tarnish resistant.

Silver and other metals : Silver products should contain 92.5% silver.

Diamond : The value of a diamond depends upon four criteria : color, cut, clarity and carat. Weight of diamond is usually expressed in carats and can be described in decimal or fractional part of carat.

Remembering the above basic facts about the different metals and their purity you should go online for purchasing such products with companies which are legitimate and about whom you have heard before. Collect details about the product and ask for the refund and return policies from the companies.

Before going for purchase online you will want to be sure that the investment you are going to make is worthwhile and so you need to do some homework prior to purchase and buy from a reliable and trusted company. It is always advisable that you follow these basic rules while purchasing jewelry online :

  • Have a thorough knowledge about the quality of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals.
  • Browse the different sites offering such product on sale. Some sites offer branded jewelries while others have their home manufacturing facilities and offer the same.
  • Be very specific about the guarantees and the return policy they have. In case you do not like the product you will surely like to refund it and get your money back.
  • Check whether certificates for the products, especially diamond, are given.
  • Once you are sure about the genuineness of the company you can go for detailed product list.
  • Before ordering you have to be very specific about the sizes and other options.
About the Author : Ilya writes for a store named Alex and Company that specializes in diamond rings in Boston.
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